Admission rules for Postgraduate Studies in the year 2018

Annex 12
to the Admission rules to
Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk
National University in the year 2018



of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
in the year 2018

I. To a postgraduate program on a competitive basis are accepted individuals who have received master’s degree in higher education or the educational qualification level “Specialist”.

II. Financing of postgraduate studies at Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University is carried out:

– at the expense of the state budget of Ukraine;
– at the expense of legal entities or individuals (on a contract base) – within the limits of the licensed volume;
– preparation of foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship – in accordance with the “Regulations on the admission of foreigners and individuals without citizenship” (Annex 9 to the Admission Rules).

ІІІ. The admission campaign for postgraduate studies for Ukrainian citizens is organized in two stages. The deadlines for accepting applications and documents, conducting entrance examinations, competitive selection and enrolling in postgraduate studies in the context of each stage are presented in the table.

Stages of the admission campaign


The first stage (at the expense of individuals and legal entities)

Beginning of acceptance of applications and documents February 1, 2018
Completion of acceptance of applications and documents February 20, 2018
Entrance examinations for postgraduate studies February 21- February 27, 2018
Publication of the ranking list of applicants to the postgraduate studies February 28, 2018
Beginning of postgraduate program March 1, 2018

The second stage (at the expense of the state budget and of individuals and legal entities)

Beginning of acceptance of applications and documents May 14, 2018
Completion of acceptance of applications and documents July 16, 2018
Entrance examinations for postgraduate studies August 27 – August 31, 2018
Publication of the ranking list of applicants to the postgraduate studies September 1, 2018
Beginning of postgraduate program September 3, 2018


IV. Admission of foreign students to the postgraduate studies at the expense of individuals (legal entities) will be carried out by the higher educational institution during the year from the first day of each month, except for June, July and August. Applicants must submit documents no later than 2 weeks before enrollment.

V. Citizens of Ukraine enrolling on the postgraduate studies are to submit the following documents to the Department of postgraduate and doctoral studies at the appropriate dates (see table):

– Application (written to the name of the Rector, signed by the intended scientific supervisor, head of a graduate department and dean of the faculty or director of the educational and scientific institute);
– Consent to gathering and processing of the personal data;
– A personal data sheet (P-2DS form) with a photo 6×4 cm (sealed and signed by the responsible person in the personnel department of the enterprise, institution or organization where the applicant is employed – for the employees);
– Submission from an educational institution, a scientific institution, an organization to the postgraduate studies (for external entrants) if any;
– Abstract of a record of proceedings at meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty (for those who have a recommendation for postgraduate studies after acquiring a master’s or specialist degree of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University);
– Copies of the diploma and diploma supplement specifying the obtained educational qualification of “specialist” or “master” (for those who have received the relevant education abroad submit a nostrified copy of the diploma), a bachelor’s degree if any;
– List and copies of publications and inventions (Form 26); copies of awards received by the results of international, All-Ukrainian student competitions of SRP, Olympiads and scientific conferences (citizens of Ukraine who do not have publications and inventions – not less than two articles published in specialized editions approved by the State Accreditation Commission of Ukraine – provide a scientific report on the chosen speciality with a written reference of the intended scientific supervisor and assessment (protocol of the interview to the report);
– The conclusion of the intended scientific supervisor based on the results of the interview;
– Certificate in form 2.2 on the passing of candidacy examinations (if any);
– A certified copy of the employment record (if any);
– Copy of the passport, a copy of the tax identification number assignment certificate from the state tax inspectorate;
– Copy of the last name change certificate (if any).

VІ. Foreign citizens entering the postgraduate studies should submit the following documents to the Department of postgraduate and doctoral studies:

– Application to the name of the rector (signed by the intended scientific supervisor, head of a graduate department and dean of the faculty);
– Consent to the gathering and processing of personal data;
– A copy of the graduate diploma specifying the obtained specialist or master’s degree which must be nostrificated during the first year of study;
– A copy of the passport with a notarized translation;
– 4 photos 3×4 cm.

VII. The decision of admittance to the entrance examinations for postgraduate studies is made by the Admissions Committee by the results of the interview with the intended scientific supervisor, review of the report (for citizens of Ukraine) and the submitted scientific papers, taking into account the written reference of the intended scientific supervisor. An entrance examinee is not admitted to the postgraduate examination if the submitted report does not give grounds for recommending them for admission to the postgraduate studies.

Individuals admitted by the Admissions Commission to the entrance examinations for postgraduate studies are granted a leave to prepare and pass exams in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine (based on Articles 215-220 of the Labor Code of Ukraine and Article 15 of the Law of Ukraine “About leaves”).

VІIІ. Entrance examinations for postgraduate studies consist of:

– specialty entrance exam (within the programs of higher education level of the master’s degree in the corresponding specialty);
– foreign language entrance exam by choice (English, German, French) in accordance with the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;
– entrance examination in philosophy (within the educational programs of higher educational institutions of the IV level of accreditation).

Applicants for postgraduate studies who apply for a Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD) in a specialty other than that indicated in their Master’s or Specialist’s Diploma may be assigned additional entrance examinations.

IX. The results of the entrance examinations for postgraduate studies are valid for admission to Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University during one calendar year.

Individuals who have passed all or a part of the candidacy exams, when applying for postgraduate studies, are not exempted from the relevant entrance exams.

X. The entrance examinations for postgraduate studies are held by the subject commissions in the amount of 4 persons appointed by the Admissions Committee.

The subject commissions include:

– Vice Rector for Research;
– Doctor of Science in the corresponding specialty;
– two candidates of sciences in the corresponding specialty.

The subject submissions may include potential scientific supervisors of the applicants.

The structure of the subject commission in a foreign language includes:

– Vice Rector for Science;
– Doctor of Science in the corresponding specialty;
– candidate of science in the corresponding specialty;
– Doctor or candidate of science in professional direction.

The staff of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, who do not have an academic degree and title, may also be included into the structure of the foreign language subject committee, according to the decision of the Admissions Committee, but they can qualitatively assess the level of the corresponding language of the applicant.

XI. By the results of the entrance examinations for postgraduate studies, the Admissions Committee decides on each application based on a competitive score (KB).

XII. Competitive Score (KB) for Ukrainian citizens who apply for the postgraduate studies, is calculated by the formula:



BIM – the result of the foreign language entrance exam (on a 100-point scale) or an international language certificate suitable for use in academic and professional life, confirming the level B2 or above (instead of the exam in a foreign language)

VIF – the result of the entrance exam in philosophy (on a 100-point scale)

VSI – the result of the specialty entrance exam (on a 100-point scale)

DB – additional points for educational and scientific achievements (Appendix A)

Applicants who scored less than 60 on one of the exams are not admitted to the following exams and are not allowed to participate in the competition.

Additional points for the scientific and educational achievements of admittance to the postgraduate studies are considered by the Admissions Committee.

XIІІ. The competitive score (KB) for foreigners applying for the postgraduate studies is calculated according to the formula:



BIM – the result of the foreign language entrance exam (on a 100-point scale) or an international language certificate suitable for use in academic and professional life, confirming the level B2 or above (instead of the exam in a foreign language)

VIF – the result of the entrance exam in philosophy (score on a 100-point scale)

VSI – the result of the specialty entrance exam (score on a 100-point scale).

XIV. The applicants are informed about the admission to the postgraduate studies or the refusal of admission within a five-day period from the day the decision was made by the Admissions Committee.

XV. In case of enrollment on the contract base the applicant is obliged to sign a contract within five working days from the date of enrollment. In case of non-signing and non-fulfillment of the terms of the contract within 20 days from the moment of enrollment, the postgraduate student is expelled.